by Enes Sacid Büker

Accept payments in cryptocurrencies.

from $4

Receive payments in cryptocurrency via the Akaunting x integration and service a fast-growing base of customers.

- Receive crypto payments
- Track all your assets & transactions from crypto wallets and exchanges
- Streamline transactions for easy reporting
- Classify transactions as income or expenses
- Send and receive Crypto invoices.
- Auto-generate reports to Akaunting

Simple no-tricks pricing

Increase your productivity

By subscribing, you don't have to worry about any kind of upgrade costs. Just keep using the software and enjoy all the new features as long as your subscription lasts.

What's included

  • Pay-as-you-go

  • Unlimited companies

  • Top-notch support

  • Secure cloud service

Learn More

Increase your productivity

By subscribing, you don't have to worry about any kind of upgrade costs. Just keep using the software and enjoy all the new features as long as your subscription lasts.

What's included

  • Pay-as-you-go

  • Unlimited installations

  • Top-notch support and updates

  • Your self-hosted server

Learn More

$6 per month

Billed monthly.

Or $4/mo if paid yearly

$4 per month

Billed yearly.

You save $24 a year!

$504 lifetime

Billed once.


$48 per year

Billed yearly.


$504 lifetime

Billed once.

