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Kent Mettler   ( User )

Commented 6 years ago

Greetings all,

I just ran across this site,downloaded the software to test,and it looks very nice. After 28 years in business we've always had to "make various software work". We are a small repair shop that sells products and repaires various kind of equipment.I like the modules concept in this software,however i'm not a coder most likely never will be. It sounds like someone is listening here. What i would like to see in an accounting package like this is a menu item or module for Workorders. A workorder would be a seperate area to keep track of equipment,etc that customers bring in for repairs. When the job is finished you click a button that converts the workorder to an invoice for billing. This would close the workorder. Making the Workorder module/page customizable would be great. Currently we make do with using "orders" in our accounting software. It doesn't keep track of very much.This is a very basic description i know but there a countless smaller shops out here needing something like this. I'd be happy to offer any help i could to see this happen. I'd be glad to pay for this as an app/extension as well. 

Denis Dulici   ( Admin )

Commented 6 years ago

Hello Kent,

Glad to see you liked Akaunting.

The philosophy of Akaunting is to keep the core lighter with only core accounting tools, instead of creating a bloated software. Therefore I've moved your request to the App Requests category so that other developers could help creating a free/paid app for your purpose.


Ismael Joseph   ( User )

Commented 6 years ago

I would like to pay to have a payroll extension and relative  tutorial base on Akaunting.  Can you send send it to App Requests also.

I'm a developper but i wanted to become one.

Ahmet Kurucan   ( User )

Commented 6 years ago

Ismael, you're free to create a New Discussion to the App Requests category.

Denis Dulici   ( Admin )

Commented 5 years ago

Hello guys,

Here you can get the Payroll app


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