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Bill number error

Yuriy Rakovtsi   ( User )

Commented 4 years ago

Dear Akainting support team, let me describe a bug:

Given: web version Version 2.1.1
When: I create a new bill.
Then: The bill number stays as the previous bill number.
Expected result: The bill number should increase automatically +1 to the previous one. (it worked this way in previous version)
As a case: I created a bill with let's say BILL-00202. Then I create another one and the bill number field, as a default still "BILL-00202".
In the previous version it was like +1 to the latest bill number so it should be "BILL-00203"
If you have some questions I'm ready to answer.

Frank Nicotera   ( User )

Commented 3 days ago

I have the same issue. I can set the start number on other forms but cannot find a BILLS setting

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