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Import invoices

Yecine Dho   ( User )

Commented 3 years ago


I'm trying to import all my invoices from another software we use.

I have created a script that generate an xls based on what i had after an export. But when i launch the import i have an error :

Undefined property: App\Imports\Sales\Sheets\InvoiceItemTaxes::$empty_field

I don't understand what is the issue on my file, i have the same issue if i try to reimport a file that was generated after an export on akaunting.

Can someone guide me on where the problem is ?

Yecine Dho   ( User )

Commented 3 years ago

Ok after tracking down the error i found out that the error was because a sheet was missing in the excel but the error wasn't explicit !

Denis Dulici   ( Admin )

Commented 3 years ago


That will be fixed in the next version:


Huerta Vill   ( User )

Commented 3 years ago

Hi guys,
Is there an easy way to import a bulk quantity of pending invoices from excel?

Thank you.

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