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Undefined variable: revenue

Andrew Esterhuysen   ( User )

Commented 3 years ago

I installed the latest version today on shared hosting. Set up a company and started to configure the software. On creating a first invoice as a test to see what the PDF would look like when I download it or even try to print it, I get a 500 Internal server error and upon nspecting in debug mode I get the following.

Undefined variable: revenue (View: resources/views/sales/revenues/print_default.blade.php)

HandleExceptions->handleError(8, 'Undefined variable: revenue', 'storage/framework/views/59551b02a181d0f0550f7a4054551e9f4ef02637.php', 1, array('__path' => '/storage/framework/views/59551b02a181d0f0550f7a4054551e9f4ef02637.php', '__data' => array('__env' => object(Factory), 'app' => object(Application), 'errors' => object(ViewErrorBag), 'payment' => object(Transaction), 'currency_style' => true), '__env' => object(Factory), 'app' => object(Application), 'errors' => object(ViewErrorBag), 'payment' => object(Transaction), 'currency_style' => true))
in storage/framework/views/59551b02a181d0f0550f7a4054551e9f4ef02637.php (line 1)

Any ideas?

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