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500 Error on Viewing a Bill after Upgrade to 3.0.14

Scott Scott   ( User )

Commented 1 year ago

First and foremost, my appreciation for all the big fixes with 3.0.14! Sadly, although the new version fixed some, it created another.

Try to open a Bill, get a 500 Error. Inspector console says:

Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read properties of null (reading 'getElementsByTagName')
at 1109:157:39
at 1109:428:7
1109:1 Failed to load resource: the server responded with a status of 500
DevTools failed to load source map: Could not parse content for Unexpected token '

Luc Daigle   ( User )

Commented 1 year ago

Mine is broken after updating too! I manually replaced the source files on my hosting server but am now seeing the 500 error. I see many instances of this error in the laravel error log:

[previous exception] [object] (Illuminate\\View\\ViewException(code: 0): Plank\\Mediable\\Helpers\\File::readableSize(): Argument #1 ($bytes) must be of type int, string given, called in /home/*****/public_html/akaunting/vendor/plank/laravel-mediable/src/Media.php on line 308 (View: /home/*****/public_html/akaunting/resources/views/components/media/file.blade.php) at /home/******/public_html/akaunting/vendor/plank/laravel-mediable/src/Helpers/File.php:70)

I have some basic coding experience and was browsing the source files on GitHub but couldn't find any recent changes that might account for this.

I'm dead in the water until I (or the Akaunting team) can fix this.

Rafal Sokolowski   ( User )

Commented 1 year ago

I'm also getting this error after trying to view a transaction I added
Akaunting ver 3.1.5

Plank\Mediable\Helpers\File::readableSize(): Argument #1 ($bytes) must be of type int, string given, called in /home/taranist/public_html/Akaunting/vendor/plank/laravel-mediable/src/Media.php on line 308 (View: /home/taranist/public_html/Akaunting/resources/views/components/media/file.blade.php) (View: /home/taranist/public_html/Akaunting/resources/views/components/media/file.blade.php) (View: /home/taranist/public_html/Akaunting/resources/views/components/media/file.blade.php) (View: /home/taranist/public_html/Akaunting/resources/views/components/media/file.blade.php)

Was someone albe to resolve this?

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