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Purchases > Payments > New Payment - the amount then defaults to NaN and it is not possible to add a number or change it at all therefore I cannot save the payment as it is required. Does anyone know how to fix this please?
Hi Luke,
Thank you for your feedback. However, I could not reproduce any issue both on Local-host or Cloud. Could you please give us more details?
It is local-host. Everything else works perfect but when trying to add a new payment it chances from 0.00 to NaN after a second of loading
I have the same issue on 2 versions.
amount defaults to NAN, doesn't matter which "Add" template.
console errors say:
transactions.js?v=2.1.30:163558 [Vue warn]: Invalid prop: type check failed for prop "dynamicCurrency". Expected Object, got Array
found in
---> at resources/assets/js/components/AkauntingMoney.vue
Also to note, This was a fresh install from git
Further to my previous post, For adding invoice I found that it calls
which does not read the get variable (account_id=1) for some reason and returns [].
I am still working on trying to locate why it is not reading the get variable
OK, after alot of playing around I found the issue on my instance, it had to do with the fact that I was using nginx as the webserver and had set.
try_files $uri $uri/ /index.php;
on the redirect for the seo urls, therefore the query string was not being passed, fixed with the addition of
try_files $uri $uri/ /index.php?$query_string;
For anyone that may have a similar issue
@some dude, Thanks for your info. I fixed it pretty early because of your suggestion.
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