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How to add new permission to new route using new controller?

Chomnit Chouy   ( User )

Commented 6 years ago

I have added new controller and few functions, it also create permission then assign permission to the role that I am in. However, I always get redirected to home page everytime I try to access to the new route. Any ideas?

Denis Dulici   ( Admin )

Commented 6 years ago

Chomnit, can you write the route details and controller path here?

Wisdom Oppong yeboah   ( User )

Commented 6 years ago

Hi Denis,

i am experiencing the same problems as Chomnit. my route keeps redirecting to dashboard('/')


i added a new resource controller MajorClasses in ‪akaunting\app\Http\Controllers\Items\MajorClasses.php

my route:

Route::group(['prefix' => 'items'], function () {

Route::resource('majorClasses', 'Items\MajorClasses');



Cedric Clancy   ( User )

Commented 5 years ago

Hello everyone,

did anyone find a solution to this yet? I am experiencing the same thing and have spent a better part of today trying to fix it without luck.


Cedric Clancy   ( User )

Commented 5 years ago

 Hello everyone,

I eventually resolved this using the Modules feature as explained here ( It is actually very easy and makes it look like you are building a separate Laravel app. Once you install a module, it has its own Controllers, Models, Views, Routes folders and so on. Treat this module as a separate application and put everything where they should be and you shouldn't have any problems.

Hope this helps someone out there.


Israel   ( User )

Commented 4 years ago

Hi Friends , I`m solve this problem ,
It`s not difficult, Just follow the same architecture .

1) create route
2) create new Controller,Request and model for your custom controller.
3) add menu link in middleware/AdminMenu.php.
4) add new permission for your custom controller through admin panel.
5) allow permission to your role.
6) then create middleware Like LoadCurrency.php ( This is important step because its not set, the redirectifauthendication file will be redirect to the dashboard).

Try it its work for me.
thank you.

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