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HSN Code for GST

Uday Chudasama   ( User )

Commented 7 years ago

How to add HSN Code for GST purpose in Invoice. We cant go ahead without this function. 

Sebastian Di Luise   ( User )

Commented 7 years ago

Hi, where do you think this code should be? as an Item extra field or tax?

You can also download the git repo and develop new features as needed, also.

Denis Dulici   ( Admin )

Commented 7 years ago

Uday, you may use the SKU field for HSN while creating an item and it will be shown in the invoice:

Uday Chudasama   ( User )

Commented 7 years ago

I say guys you have to help us in the matter of custom field as is much need in as an open source. we would be ready to pay. 

SKU field for HSN wont work. Because SKU is a field which is also needed.

Paumil Shah   ( User )

Commented 6 years ago

SKU need to be unique whereas HSN is non unique field and category of items can have same HSN Code. Partiallly custom fields app serve this but fetching those custom fields to Invoice is not yet complete. It may require very little time if attempted. As it is one more field to Item table with varchar or text type of field. and a view blade.hsnupdate.php page can be created for bilk update categorywise in case this is changed by Govt. of India. say HSN code for cold drink is changed today so all items in category of cold drink needed to be changed. But first thing is to have that in table. 

Paumil Shah   ( User )

Commented 6 years ago

Also SGST, CGST, IGST are associated with HSN and Items.


If tax on Car is reduced / increased we need to reflect in all corresponding items . Presently  the GST is 28% for luxury products. It happens many times when politics needed to be affected and group of traders demand for lower taxation structure. Previously clothes were out of taxation and now we have to pay 1% GST. Restaurants need to pay 5%  many items carry 18%. So tax gets divided between states and central govt. IT is practically impossible for traders to work without software. Also Tally is the most popular among chartered accountants so api from akaunting to tally will be very useful and will be in demand.


Denis Dulici   ( Admin )

Commented 4 years ago

You can use the Custom Fields app for such a purpose:

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