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Invoice Creation Giving Access Right Issues

Hassan Moulana   ( User )

Commented 3 years ago

I am trying to access the POSTMAN Collection shared by the team to create the Invoice

{{akaunting_url}}/documents?company_id={{akaunting_company_id}}&type=invoice&category_id=82&document_number=INV-00003&type=invoice&status=draft&issued_at=2021-11-21&due_at=2021-11-29&account_id=1¤cy_code=USD¤cy_rate=1¬es=This is note for invoice&contact_id=27813&contact_name=Name& address&items[0][item_id]=18302&items[0][name]=Service&items[0][quantity]=2&items[0][price]=12&items[0][total]=24&items[0][discount]=0&items[0][description]=This is custom item description&items[0][tax_ids][0]=0&amount=24

But its keep giving the reply as

"message": "User does not have any of the necessary access rights.",
"status_code": 403

But the GET Invoices is properly working

Is there anything I am missing ?

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