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ReadableSize Error When Viewing Bills with Attachments

Scott Carson   ( User )

Commented 1 year ago

Whenever I try to view a bill (and some transactions), I get this error:

Plank\Mediable\Helpers\File::readableSize(): Argument #1 ($bytes) must be of type int, string given, called in public_html/akaunting3/vendor/plank/laravel-mediable/src/Media.php on line 308 (View: public_html/akaunting3/resources/views/components/media/file.blade.php) (View: public_html/akaunting3/resources/views/components/media/file.blade.php) (View: public_html/akaunting3/resources/views/components/media/file.blade.php) (View: public_html/akaunting3/resources/views/components/media/file.blade.php)

My team has tracked the error down to this file, where we commented out the file size output:


Specifically, change this:

{{ $file->readableSize() }}

... to this:

{{-- $file->readableSize() --}}

Obviously not an upgrade-proof solution, but basically we just commented it out as there seems to be a dependency missing or something when reading file size of PDFs.

Can anybody tell me what additional PHP extensions are required?

Note: After upgrading to 3.0.15, the problem persists.

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