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trying to get property transactions of non-object

Aleksandar Popovski   ( User )

Commented 4 years ago


I am trying to delete a company and trying to clear the data inside. When I click delete company or delete some data left it gives me an error
trying to get property transactions of non-object
This is only for one item under revenues and two items under payments and three items under transaction related to those items. From the transaction I deleted 10 items but these 3 I cannot .

Any ideas?


Pedro   ( User )

Commented 4 years ago

Same problem here! =/

Wayne   ( User )

Commented 3 years ago

Hello I have this same problem after upgrading to 2.1.10. I just finally upgraded today and this happened. effectively akaunting is dead because I can't input an invoice! any help appreciated....

Wayne   ( User )

Commented 3 years ago

I posted this in another thread on the same topic but wanted to make sure others could find this here too
Hey! Good news. I was just totally lucky but I think I figured out the problem. I 'think' that after the Akaunting update they somehow merged the tax info into the product / item module so it feeds into the invoice. One of my products did not have a tax saved with it. So when the invoice saved, I guess, it was looking for the tax amount and it wasn't there saved in the item so it kicked up this error.

I went back into the products and checked each one and made sure there was a tax associated with it (I chose 0%, non-taxable if there was zero tax and did not leave it blank) and when I went in and tried again everything was working. .

I hope this helps someone else, too.

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