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Upload in Payments not working

Andy McBride   ( User )

Commented 5 years ago

I recently tried to upload a receipt as a jpg file to a payment and the files was not saved to the payment. I followed the same process that I do for uploading files to Bills and it appears to function (no erors) but when I return to the payment screen to see if the file is there, it is not.

As I have not used this function in the past I am not sure if it has worked before and just recently stopped or if it has never worked.

In short - Upload file to Payments does not function in version 1.3.12

Marco Bridge   ( User )

Commented 5 years ago

Do you get any error? Have you tried to enable the debug mode (check docs)? Are you using cloud or self-hosted?

Andy McBride   ( User )

Commented 5 years ago

Hi Marco,

Debugging is enabled and I do not get any errors. The system behaves as you would expect. 

The upload features of Expense and Invoice work as expected. Files upload and when I return the image is displayed.

I am using self hosted. I have plenty of space on the system and as the other features that allow for upload are working I don't suspect the hosting system. 

I tried it with several different files to see if it was related to files size and it was not.  Not sure what it could be.




Andy McBride   ( User )

Commented 5 years ago

It would be nice if there was an indicator next to the item in the list to indicate if there was a file associated with that item. Would make it easier to quickly see if a file had been attached.

Andy McBride   ( User )

Commented 5 years ago

Still having this problem. No errors occur during the save after I attach the image. I have noticed that sometimes it will work. I attach a document, exit the payment screen and come back and the document it there. Then I will exit that same payment and come back later and the uploaded document is gone.

Seems to be a bug to me. I would suggeest that the upload of the document be a function of the attach feature.Not a function of the save payment feature. At least that way you can confirm that the document is attached to the payment before you leave the screen.

Samantha Shepherd   ( User )

Commented 2 years ago

I have been having the same issue as Andy over the last 2 weeks. was hoping this was an website error.
Was wondering if anyone found the result to this?

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