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User Logins

Kevin Morrison   ( User )

Commented 6 years ago

I dont understand, I just want to send invoices and have a link for the client to pay and I have no need to create logins. I have setup the client and did not click the allow login option thinking they would just get a link to go straight to PayPal. Instead they are directed to the install of Akaunting and asked to login. So how if they have not been given permission to login, nor did I even setup an account to login are they supposed to login? Likewise since there is no direct link to PayPal when they click the "Pay Now" button in the email they get, how then are they supposed to even pay the invoice? Seems like someon forgot a critical step when creating this invoice software, either that or there is a paramter I have not setup correctly. Either way it appears out of the box this software does not even work?

Marco Bridge   ( User )

Commented 6 years ago

It works how it should work for me. You may not need to create logins but I do, and most do. So instead of saying this software does not even work, you may say it doesn't fit my needs and may ask to implement such a feature, politely.

Kevin Morrison   ( User )

Commented 6 years ago

Let me clear about something Marco, if you dont setup the customer to have a login IT DOES NOT WORK! Sorry but that is as polite as I can be about it. Wonderful that it works for you and if I used the login feature it would work for me as my tests proved that. However if I dont need a login the software sends an invoice to the customer who does not have a login by the way and that email has a button that says Pay Now. Unfortunatly when you click the Pay Now it just takes you to where the software is installed and starts spitting out errors. No then link to click again to Pay Now, no login because well... I did not create one. Then there is the idea you presented about adding this feature? OK, what feature would that be because I am confused? Would it be the one where they have a check box that you click if you want to create a login and instead they should just not have it? Yes, I guess that is the feature they should impliment, remove the option to create an account or not because if you dont THE SOFTWARE DOES NOT WORK!

Denis Dulici   ( Admin )

Commented 6 years ago

Calm down guys, we've just fixed the button issue so the email content won't have the Pay Now button anymore.

In the next versions, we'll also create a unique Pay Now link for customers not able to login.

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