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Where i can change the email invoice subjet string "Invoice"

Angel Cabrera   ( User )

Commented 6 years ago

Hi Denis Duliçi,

I'm glad to receive a answer about developers team, Thanks! I made some adjustments to front-end (like css and responsive) and add some translations var to string that don't are in the languages folder. I'm already finish the translation to es_MX lang too.

Tomorrow i will make a fork of github repo of Akaunting to make a contribution of the adjustments mentioned before and push some bus i founded too.


Marius Webber, Yes... I'm recently familiar with Laravel. Tomorrow i will read the info, when i finish the adjustment on this topic (subject) will update you here.

Denis Dulici   ( Admin )

Commented 6 years ago

Hello Angel,

Your contributions are welcome. Create a different Pull Request for each related adjustment, don't send all things in one PR. Finally, remember that you should send the translations to Crowdin, not GitHub:


Angel Cabrera   ( User )

Commented 6 years ago

Hi Denis,

Yes, the translation i will send to crowdin. And ok, i will make a pull request for each adjustement. i will update you.

Angel Cabrera   ( User )

Commented 6 years ago

Marius Weber,

At this time i adjusted the name of the invoice download PDF version and the invoice atached email version, from: invoice_time.pdf to: invoice_pdfnumber_time.pdf

I will make a pull request to github repository to Denis aprove it.

Angel Cabrera   ( User )

Commented 6 years ago

Marius Weber,

At this time i adjusted the subject of email sends to customer from: Invoice to: Urgent!!! You have a due invoice for $amount.

I will make a pull request to github repository too to Denis aprove it.

Angel Cabrera   ( User )

Commented 6 years ago

Hi denis,

I already try to make a pull request and i get the error:

Authentication failed. You may not have permission to access the repository or the repository may have been archived. Open options and verify that you're signed in with an account that has permission to access this repository.

Im open an issue in github #176 adjustments to get more responsive view of show invoice page and login page.


Marius Webber   ( User )

Commented 6 years ago

what file do I make this change in?

"At this time i adjusted the subject of email sends to customer from: Invoice to: Urgent!!! You have a due invoice for $amount."

Junior Moraes   ( User )

Commented 6 years ago

Hello guys!


Any news? Who can change the subject and pass the way?

Jeroen Meeder   ( User )

Commented 6 years ago

To add a new subject to the email:


 public function toMail($notifiable)



        $message = (new MailMessage)

->subject('HERE YOUR SUBJECT')

            ->line(trans('invoices.notification.message', ['amount' => money($this->invoice->amount, $this->invoice->currency_code, true), 'customer' => $this->invoice->customer_name]));


Jeroen Meeder   ( User )

Commented 6 years ago

To edit the name of the pdf file edit:


1. $file = storage_path('app/temp/invoice_'.$invoice->invoice_number.'.pdf');

2. $file_name = 'invoice_'.$invoice->invoice_number.'.pdf';

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