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Invoice information

Mikal Thunold-Olsen   ( User )

Commented 6 years ago

1. I would like to have a field in settings under "Invoice" where I can place my own standard-text on the invoices. Ex: "Use the invoicenumber as ref". This is instead of writing it every time under Notes.

2. I would also like to have a field in "general settings" where I can put bank-information, like accountnumber. Now I have to put it under Address.

Keep up the good work :)

Batuhan Baş   ( User )

Commented 6 years ago

Hi Mikal,

Thank you so much beautiful feedbacks and information.

Please Check this;

i hope to understand correctly. Have a nice day!

Mikal Thunold-Olsen   ( User )

Commented 6 years ago

Thank you for your reply.

I really insist on that Account Number field and standard-text field on invoices should be default without using a plugin. Especially Account Number. This is standard text not related to a costumer where you mention custom fields.

Account Number: It is my own business-accountnumber where the invoice-amount should be payed. Right now I have to put the text "Bank: XXXX XX XXXXX" under the field Address to be visible on the invoices. I believe "everyone" is using bankaccount as the main offline-payment in addition to cash or other things. Especially in Northern Europe. Banktransfers is the normal when paying invoices.

The bankaccount number should be a field under Settings -> General -> Business. On the invoices it should be visible under the address. I have not found this fieldoption anywhere else.

Standard invoice-text: Standard-text field on invoices are not mandatory, but should also be used to help me see which invoice it refers to in bankaccount statements. This is important if I have sent more than one invoice to the costumer. As an exampletext: "Use invoice-number as reference-text during payment to Account Number". On my bank-account statement there would then show a payment from that costumer and with ref to the invoice I would register the payment towards. I belive most banks has referencenumbers or text-fields on their account statements.

The standard-text field should be a feild under "Settings -> General -> Invoice. On the invoices it should be visible in the buttom somewhere, probably under notes.


On other accounting-software I use payment options are related to costumers. When you register a costumer you can choose if the costumer should pay cash, by bank-transfer or Credit Card. You can also register the due date for the invoice related to the costumer, since some costumers are demanding up to 30 days due date on every invoice. If you have a costumer who is reluctant to pay, you can demand that the costumer is paying cash everytime to ensure you get the payment without waiting and nagging forever. When the payment options are related to the costumer, you can put the standard-text and for example Account Number in the offline-payment option and it will be visible on the invoice if you are demanding bank-transfer as the offline payment-method.

If you dont want to build the payment options related to costumers i suggest it is standard text as mentioned above.

Duncan Dimech   ( User )

Commented 6 years ago

We also give clients an account number and when they do a bank transfer, the account number has to be entered so we can reconsile with ease.


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