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Akaunting follows the international numbering system. Is there a possibility to provide an option to use the Indian numbering system in Akaunking?
It's basically just adjusting the commas like: 123,456,789.00 = 12,34,56,789.00.
Can the changes be made by using an App or do you think we'll need to make changes to the core of Akaunting to achieve this?
Hello, The same system is in Nepal and Pakistan too. So, can we do these 3 countries digit grouping system in Akaunting software like this -> 1,00,00,00,000 (Arab) – Billion?
This link show->
Thanks in advance.
You can use various APIs to count the numbers easily. One of the best part is that it is very useful in money transfers as sometimes the payment is in very large numbers and handle carefully without any error. This is why one should use PAI like DMT API (domestic money transfer) so that payment can be transfer without any worry from one bank to another. for more info visit
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