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(3/3) QueryException

G-Dawg   ( User )

Commented 4 years ago

Just tried installing Akaunting
Using LAMP
1/3 = Success (Language set)
2/3 = Success (SQL login correct, tables popluated)
3/3 - Error: QueryException !!

(3/3) QueryException
SQLSTATE[HY000] [2002] Connection refused (SQL: insert into `ak_companies` (`domain`, `updated_at`, `created_at`) values (, 2020-01-14 02:06:46, 2020-01-14 02:06:46))

in Connection.php line 647
at Connection->runQueryCallback('insert into `ak_companies` (`domain`, `updated_at`, `created_at`) values (?, ?, ?)', array('', '2020-01-14 02:06:46', '2020-01-14 02:06:46'), object(Closure))
in Connection.php line 607

Webserver permissions seem fine, database credentials seem fine, database permissions seem fine.
Has anyone seen this error before?
This is my first attempt at ever installing Akaunting, and cannot even try it out for evaluation.


Denis Dulici   ( Admin )

Commented 4 years ago


Can you check if the database tables are created?


G-Dawg   ( User )

Commented 4 years ago

Tables seem created:

mysql> use akaunting;
Database changed

mysql> show tables;
| Tables_in_akaunting |
| dyu_accounts |
| dyu_bill_histories |
| dyu_bill_items |
| dyu_bill_payments |
| dyu_bill_statuses |
| dyu_bills |
| dyu_categories |
| dyu_companies |
| dyu_currencies |
| dyu_customers |
| dyu_invoice_histories |
| dyu_invoice_items |
| dyu_invoice_payments |
| dyu_invoice_statuses |
| dyu_invoices |
| dyu_items |
| dyu_jobs |
| dyu_migrations |
| dyu_module_histories |
| dyu_modules |
| dyu_notifications |
| dyu_password_resets |
| dyu_payments |
| dyu_revenues |
| dyu_roles |
| dyu_user_roles |
| knx_accounts |
| knx_bill_histories |
| knx_bill_item_taxes |
| knx_bill_items |
| knx_bill_payments |
| knx_bill_statuses |
| knx_bill_totals |
| knx_bills |
| knx_categories |
| knx_companies |
| knx_currencies |
| knx_customers |
| knx_failed_jobs |
| knx_invoice_histories |
| knx_invoice_item_taxes |
| knx_invoice_items |
| knx_invoice_payments |
| knx_invoice_statuses |
| knx_invoice_totals |
| knx_invoices |
| knx_items |
| knx_jobs |
| knx_media |
| knx_mediables |
| knx_migrations |
| knx_module_histories |
| knx_modules |
| knx_notifications |
| knx_password_resets |
| knx_payments |
| knx_permissions |
| knx_reconciliations |
| knx_recurring |
| knx_revenues |
| knx_role_permissions |
| knx_roles |
| knx_sessions |
| knx_settings |
| knx_taxes |
| knx_transfers |
| knx_user_companies |
| knx_user_permissions |
| knx_user_roles |
| knx_users |
| knx_vendors |
71 rows in set (0.01 sec)

M-L   ( User )

Commented 4 years ago

Now I have this exact same problem. Obviously the connection details are OK because the tables are created. Only thing I notice is that the table name in the error message starts with ak_ whereas the actual table names have a (random?) three character prefix.

Is there any solution to this installation issue?

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