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Fresh install on new server redirects to /auth/login which doesnt exist.

Azmi Muhammad   ( User )

Commented 7 years ago

Hi Kyle,

You issue is same like mine, we need to change the AllowOverride None to AllowOverride All in httpd.conf settings then restart the httpd services, then it should work.


The AllowOverride directive determines the "Types of directives that are allowed in .htaccess files". Furthermore, "When this directive is set to None, then .htaccess files are completely ignored. In this case, the server will not even attempt to read .htaccess files in the filesystem." Official docs: – John Erck Apr 28 '13 at 2:12


Kyle Hamilton   ( User )

Commented 7 years ago

Thank you! I will try your suggestions and get back. Much appreciated!!

Denis Dulici   ( Admin )

Commented 7 years ago

Thanks Azmi for sharing the solution.

Kyle Hamilton   ( User )

Commented 7 years ago

Sorry with the holiday it's taking me longer than normal to get back to the project. I will update with the solution when I'm back at it Tuesday. Thank you all

Gaurav Kumar   ( User )

Commented 7 years ago

I am having the same problem, Actrually it was working properly last week. But due to some reson i had to uninstall so i tried to do a fresh install now it is redirecting me on auth/login instead of languages selection. I have the same htaccess file that come up with installation. 


I am using ubuntu 14.04 LTS with Lamp. Kindly help me to get it installed.


Thanks in advance for your help.

MAD 4D WEB Corp   ( User )

Commented 6 years ago

When installing this should be added to the Install Guide

give  write permisions to the folders bootstrap and storage

chmod 777 bootstrap/ -R

chmod 777 bootstrap/* -R


chmod 777 storage/ -R

chmod 777 storage/* -R


cp .env.example  .env

chmod 777 .env*




Mathis Haane   ( User )

Commented 6 years ago

I had the same issue and find a solution.

In my case it was the .htaccess missing (because it's hidden in most OS').

If you copying the dowloaded Version make sure you copy the .htaccess ind the root-Folder aswell.


Hope this helps someone.

Azmi Muhammad   ( User )

Commented 6 years ago

I dont recommend too allow ( 777 ) of the directories. 755  should be fine.

1. There are 3 hidden files, two with .env and one is .htaccess. Need to change the ownership to apache:apache. Permission 755 would be fine.

2. php artisan clear option command very useful to clear cache, configuration... Im not too expert on this but it does help me when I faced with error.

3. ownership  on the html directory ( eg: /var/www/html/ ) must be owned by apache:apache.

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