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Internal Error 500

Gvalaposte Gvalaposte   ( User )

Commented 1 year ago

Hi everyone, I opened a issue ticket on GitHub

i am not able to finalize the installation with the UI system
i am not able to connect in the UI when I use the background installation via php artisan install --flags

i have activated php display_error php error_reporting with E_ALL but nothing happen I used the official docker, I will try to rebuild the image

i want to what it's possible to do when I finalized the installation via php artisan, what can I try to do to use the solution waiting a fix for this problem.

for this moment in disovering phase I did not set https, I will install nginx tomorrow, and configure the domain, I don't know if it can help.


Luc Daigle   ( User )

Commented 1 year ago

I had the same issue with my installation, using A2 Hosting. The upgrade never finished and then my installation was broken. Replaced all the source files on the server with the 3.0.14 version from GitHub, but still get a 500 error when trying to view transactions.

Valentina   ( User )

Commented 1 year ago

Same problem here. Same hosting.
Upgraded, the upgrade stopped at 60%. I tried to reload after a while, but the system requested a PHP update to over 8.0, which I did. Now the only thing I get is a 500 error.

Has anyone find the solution?

Supriya Pal   ( User )

Commented 1 year ago

Same here, any one get any soloution

Guillaume Lvq   ( User )

Commented 1 year ago

Exact same problem for me too with another hosting.

I can't access anything anymore, "500 Internal Server Error" and nothing in the logs.

Valentina   ( User )

Commented 1 year ago

Ok guys, so after hitting my head against the wall I did basically what I would do with a faulty Wordpress install and the help of softaculous (if you use CPanel). In my case was also on A2. Ibhave not found the total solution as I am stuck somewhere else but at least I can access some of my information.

Exported the database. Did a back up of the files inside my Akaunting folder. Specially those on the Storage folder.

I deleted the istall with Softcoulus and did a new one with the new version. Then I edited the .env file and connected to the old database (first I tried to import the old database on the new, but was a mess). I managed to log in, and I can see my transactions, but now I get a 500 error every time I try to create a bill or an invoice and I cannot see my bills anywhere.

If anyone manages to move on forward I'll appreciate some guidance.

Valentina   ( User )

Commented 1 year ago

So, another update.
The issue was on the Categories table on the database as is missing some information. I created a new install and imported the old categories. Exported that list with all the columns correct, and then exported and imported on the old installation. (I am not super handy with databases, so this is my workaround. I assume if you know what you are doing, this might be faster).

Now I am having issues viewing correctly the companies I had. It seems to be a problem with the accounts table. Will update if I find a solution, for now, I can operate with this.

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