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Update to 2.03 -> Not able to finalize core installation

Lukas Obermann   ( User )

Commented 5 years ago

I am getting following error in the laravel.log when updating via the GUI

[2020-03-02 09:32:59] production.INFO: Downloading core update...
[2020-03-02 09:33:03] production.INFO: Unzipping core update...
[2020-03-02 09:33:04] production.INFO: Copying core update files...
[2020-03-02 09:33:07] production.INFO: Finishing core update...
[2020-03-02 09:33:07] production.INFO: Running finish command for core update...
[2020-03-02 09:33:07] production.INFO: Finishing update...
Application cache cleared!

In FinishUpdate.php line 46:

Not able to finalize core installation

and following when then after that trying to update via CLI:

php /usr/share/nginx/vhosts/akaunting/artisan update:all
Starting update...
Updating core...
Not able to get the latest version of core!

Not able to update core!

How to fix this?

Thank you.

Denis Dulici   ( Admin )

Commented 5 years ago

Hello Lukas,

Can you please try to run the following command:

php /path/to/akaunting/artisan update:db


Lukas Obermann   ( User )

Commented 5 years ago

Hello Denis,

ok, that did the trick. Thank you!

Alejandro Flamerich   ( User )

Commented 5 years ago

We had the same problem. We had to migrate the database manually. It involve a lot of work because the database tables changed as well.
Im going to give you some help.
Vendor and Customers tables now are in Contacts
All payments are in one table "transactions"
This is basically what you have to migrate.
For us work perfect. If you have a lot of data could be smart to make some php code to migrate it.

Zeeshan Javed   ( User )

Commented 4 years ago

Hello, I can help with upgrade, migration and backup of your akaunting software and database to any new server or cloud instance, for details email me at : [email protected]

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