

Estimated reading: 2 minutes

Akaunting ships with core accounting tools needed to manage money. It also has a modular structure so that you could extend it. We use the akaunting/laravel-module package as the builder.

A module is like a Laravel package, it has some routes, views, controllers, and models. While technically we call it Module, we name it App in the UI for the end-user as that’s what they are familiar with.

Folder Structure

As you can see from the example below, the structure of a module is very similar to a basic Laravel app.

  ├── MyBlog/
      ├── Console/
      ├── Database/
          ├── Migrations/
          ├── Seeds/
      ├── Http/
          ├── Controllers/
          ├── Requests/
      ├── Jobs/
      ├── Listeners/
      ├── Models/
      ├── Providers/
          ├── Event.php
          ├── Main.php
      ├── Resources/
          ├── assets/
          ├── lang/
          ├── views/
      ├── Routes/
          ├── admin.php
          ├── portal.php
      ├── composer.json
      ├── module.json
      ├── package.json
      ├── webpack.mix.js

Creating a module

There are loads of Artisan commands built-in the module package. For example, let’s see how to make a new module:

php artisan module:make my-blog

This will create all files and folders shown in the above example.

Installing the module

Now let’s install the module using the following command:

php artisan module:install my-blog 1

my-blog is the alias of the module and 1 is the company id that you want to install the module. Here you can find more about companies in Akaunting.

Alias is the unique name of the module as is used everywhere in Akaunting.

module.json file

The module.json file contains the main information about your module such as name, version, providers, etc..

    "alias": "my-blog",
    "icon": "edit",
    "version": "1.0.0",
    "active": 1,
    "providers": [
    "aliases": {},
    "files": [],
    "requires": [],
    "reports": [],
    "widgets": [],
    "settings": []

You can check the Offline Payments module built into the Akaunting core as a live example.

Showing to the user

If your module has pages that need to be shown in the left sidebar, you can check this article to learn more.


Module documentation can help to understand how the system works.

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