
Hooking Models

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Let’s say you’re developing a module/app that adds functionality to Akaunting. However, to keep Akaunting up-to-date, you don’t want to, and shouldn’t, change/hack the core files.

Eloquent fires several events, allowing you to hook into many points in a model’s lifecycle. You can listen to these events using the Observers feature of Eloquent. Let’s make an example for modules.

First of all, create and install a module.

Then add the following code into the boot method of your Service Provider.

use App\Models\Common\Item;


    public function boot()


Then create the observer file:


namespace Modules\MyBlog\Observers\Common;

use App\Abstracts\Observer;
use App\Models\Common\Item;
use Modules\MyBlog\Models\Post;

class Item extends Observer
    public function updated(Item $item): void
        $post = Post::where('item_id', $item->id)->first();

        $post->opening_stock = $item->quantity;


That’s all you need to do to hook a model.

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Hooking Models

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