
Why make Apps for Akaunting?


While we strongly believe that Akaunting is the best free accounting software out there, we're very well aware that it's not perfect, just like everything in the real world. Akaunting ships with core accounting tools needed to manage money. For further features, instead of creating a bloated software by adding all of them to the core, we've created a modular structure so that it could get extended easily.


Accounting software is widely used, by all kind of businesses. For example, an app can connect an online store built with WooCommerce so that products, customers, and orders could get transferred to Akaunting automatically. Another one may be a payment gateway such as PayPal, Stripe, etc to be used on the client side of Akaunting software to pay invoices online. Check out the list of requested apps.

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70% Commission

You get 70% of each sale, and we cover everything, including transaction fees. After $20K sales in total, your commission rate increases to 80%.

Yearly Subscription

Apps are sold under a yearly subscription plan. So after the first year passes, you start getting Annually Recurring Revenue. App price is between $19 and $99 USD.

Global Users

Akaunting is a global project having users from all over the world which means that hundreds of local and/or global apps are required.

Feature or Integration

An app may add extra handy or accounting features to the system, it doesn't have to be kinda integration with another platform.

Built-in App Store

The app store is available for any Akaunting installation, both self-hosted and cloud, so any Akaunting user can get your app in seconds.

Laravel Framework

Apps are like Laravel packages, they have some routes, views, controllers, and models. So knowing Laravel is pretty enough to start making apps.

Apps requested by Akaunting users

You can reserve any app by using this form. First come first served.
Some useful links to get started with developing apps
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