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Currency issue

Mikhail Brusentsev   ( User )

Commented 6 years ago

Hi! Please assist with the following issue:


I install the new instance on my hosting, go to currency settings and set Euro as default currency. 

Right after that all currency rates became float numbers with 8 zeros after the decimal (see bellow). Then if you put any value to any currency field it automatically multiplyed by 100000000. I reinstalled the instance twice, but got the same result. However, this issue does not erise if I run the program on Akaunting hosting.


Name   Rate   Actions
British Pound 1.60000000  
Euro 1.00000000  
Turkish Lira 0.80000000  
US Dollar 1.00000000  


Denis Dulici   ( Admin )

Commented 6 years ago

Hi Mikhail,

What kind of issue this does this trigger?


Mikhail Brusentsev   ( User )

Commented 6 years ago

Right after the trigger ALL THE NUMBERS in the application automatically multiplyed by 100000000. For example, you if put 123 euro and it became 1.230.000,00 euro.

Like this:

Date   Amount   Actions
20.04.2018 1.230.000,00 €  

Nico C   ( User )

Commented 6 years ago

Hi Mikhail, 

try to change the decimal point to . (dot)



Horia Ungurean   ( User )

Commented 6 years ago

I have the same problem. changing decimal point did't help.

Mikhail Brusentsev   ( User )

Commented 6 years ago

Actually in my case the problem disappeared when I change the decimal point to "."

Horia Ungurean   ( User )

Commented 6 years ago

Hello Mikhail, unfortunatly for me, didn't work. I would really apriciate any help regarding this issue. I use RON currency. Thank you

Marcio Dias   ( User )

Commented 6 years ago

Same here =/



Chris   ( User )

Commented 6 years ago

Anyone found a solution? I'm havign the same problem, it works if I set all currencies to "." but that doesn't make sense for my clients

Grasia Primardhika   ( User )

Commented 6 years ago

I use the 1.2.10 release still has this problem

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