Chart of Accounts, Balance Sheet, General Ledger, Trial Balance
Manage stock, warehouses, groups, variants, adjustments, transfer orders
Organize tasks, work with teams, track the time, and deliver on milestones
Create multiple pay calendars, and run payroll with print-ready payslips
Track every step of your customer journey, manage leads, pipelines
Expense Claims
Manage, review, and approve employee expenses on the go
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How do you make a field not required when using the Form::selectGroup()? My current attempt is: {{ Form::selectGroup('account_id', trans('doc-manager::genera...
As admin I give group permission and assign users. I want one of the groups only be able to change their profile settings (such as password). Therefore I assign group permission of Auth Profile, bu...
When trying to apply discounts to prices, fractional amounts cause an error and the invoice will not save. Ie.. $150 sale -6.25% discount = unable to save invoice Also, there is no way to ed...
Hi, I could not find an obvious way to represent investments into the business in Akaunting. The investment would be a type of income, but should not be represented in the "Profit & Loss" statement. T...
Após eu escolher a linguagem e clicar em próximo, vai pra uma tela em branco com isso> {"redirect":"http:\/\/localhost\/Akaunting\/index.php\/install\/database"} Qual será o problema!? estou usa...
Hi i go into transfers and i cant see all the transaction of the month it only show some of them so i cant modify them
Hello, When I click " Mark Paid" it gets to the error: Request Timeout This request takes too long to process, it is timed out by the server. If it should not be timed out, please contact administ...
Hi I've managed to get to the point where I can render the installation page. At first I was getting a 500 internal server error, but it did not tell me why. I proceeded to create an empty .env file...
I can create a new transaction just fine, but if I go into edit it, the "Save" button doesn't do anything. I can edit any field or cancel but not save the changes... Any help would be appreciated! ...
Hi, Love Akaunting so far, only I have a isseu now with adding items. When I add a item the prices are not saved correctly; Sale price €16,3333 is saved as €160.000,00 Purchase price € 9...
Showing 2181 to 2190 of 4173 discussions