Chart of Accounts, Balance Sheet, General Ledger, Trial Balance
Manage stock, warehouses, groups, variants, adjustments, transfer orders
Organize tasks, work with teams, track the time, and deliver on milestones
Create multiple pay calendars, and run payroll with print-ready payslips
Track every step of your customer journey, manage leads, pipelines
Expense Claims
Manage, review, and approve employee expenses on the go
Get help with general issues related to Akaunting.
Hello ; As an user of akaunting I found some features is missed like this one ..Price List and customer category it's important to add them to help a lot of companys
Hello, I'm new to the akaunting software and I was wondering if there was a way to make the invoice fit onto one page? Many thanks for your help
Hello there, Sorry for posting here but as I do have this issue since november on the web portal. My situation is that on the 1er November i couldn’t pay my subscription for the quotes apps with...
Hi, I set-up a user profile however the user can't see the company. Thus I deleted this profile so we can try set-up a new one. However, after deleting this profile, I can't add another one although ...
Users, Permissions and Roles missing when i click my avatar in the cloud app. I only see profile and logout.
I have to import several years of bank data so a ofx file transfer won't work as my bank only makes available only the last 12 months of data in this format. They do allow me to export my bank data ...
Hello, Can anyone share how to add processing/gateway fees to an invoice or payment? I'm using Double-Entry. I'd like them to go into an expense account. I tried creating a Fee product, but it w...
I believe I found a bug in the invoice module of accounting. Percentage wise product discounts are applied as absolute values. It displays correctly when editing the bill, but the final bill is with a...
I am trying to access the POSTMAN Collection shared by the team to create the Invoice {{akaunting_url}}/documents?company_id={{akaunting_company_id}}&type=invoice&category_id=82&document_number=IN...
Self hosted, 2.1.27. I need to type up a detailed description for an item. As a result, it's very long. While I can enter it into the invoice Edit text field, when I save & view the invoice, the des...
Showing 461 to 470 of 1900 discussions