Chart of Accounts, Balance Sheet, General Ledger, Trial Balance
Manage stock, warehouses, groups, variants, adjustments, transfer orders
Organize tasks, work with teams, track the time, and deliver on milestones
Create multiple pay calendars, and run payroll with print-ready payslips
Track every step of your customer journey, manage leads, pipelines
Expense Claims
Manage, review, and approve employee expenses on the go
Get help with installation and updating Akaunting.
Denis,Currnet Akaunting Version 1.3.4 is work on Laravel Framework 5.4.36Can i upgrade from Laravel Framework 5.4.36 to Laravel Framework 5.6.+. So akaunting is support to latest laravel version...
Hi i am getting installation error after following the installation steps , when i first open my domain/directory to start install wizard i get this error: The requested URL /akaunting-master...
Can we use an icluod for the long term? and is the data guaranteed safe?
Hi, I would like to install this akaunting software with sqlserver database in my local PC using IIS Please provide me steps Thanks
I have uploaded the files to my server. in. but the installation wizard did not work.
Hi! I've just downloaded the zip (no GitHub), unzipped on my webserver and configured a site ( and now, when I go for the first time, login is presented, no wizard :( Of course, i...
The installation guide sys: This guide will show you how to install Akaunting in your local or remote server just in a couple of minutes. Steps Download the Akaunting package. Unzip t...
Hello This error occurs when updating. Do your have information? Attach.. Link:
I'm trying to install Akaunting and it's asking for a token! Where can I get this Token? See the following image =>
Hello, I'm having trouble configuring the Akaunting for Woocommerce plugin. What do I put in the URL and Company ID fields in the plugin settings page?
Showing 631 to 640 of 801 discussions