Chart of Accounts, Balance Sheet, General Ledger, Trial Balance
Manage stock, warehouses, groups, variants, adjustments, transfer orders
Organize tasks, work with teams, track the time, and deliver on milestones
Create multiple pay calendars, and run payroll with print-ready payslips
Track every step of your customer journey, manage leads, pipelines
Expense Claims
Manage, review, and approve employee expenses on the go
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While buying Double-entry App, and after entering credit card details, I receive an error displaying "Payment declined". When I try entring the card details again, I enter all the information co...
[Sat Jun 9 15:19:40 2018] PHP Warning: require(C:\xampp\htdocs\akaunting\public/bootstrap/autoload.php): failed to open stream: No such file or directory in C:\xampp\htdocs\akaunting\publi...
Merhaba, 2.900TL'lik bir fatura kaydı oluşturduğumda, faturayı 2900TL olarak kayıt ediyor fakat, ödeme girişini 29.000.000 TL olarak yapıyor. Hata nerede anlamadım yardımcı olurmusunuz...
Ürünler/Hizmetler için rapor olacak mı? Bir de daha önce eklemiş olduğumuz ürünlerin depodan toplu giriş ya da çıkışlarını yapmak mümkün olaca...
Hi, I'm not understaing why when I create a bill for a vendor, other vendors see that bill as well? I, as admin, create a bill for vendor #1, but vendor #2 sees that bill as well. This doesn't make s...
Kurulum yaparken aşağıdaki hatayı alıyorum. Veritabanı bağlantılarında hata yok. Ama SQL dosyalarınız yazamıyor. .htacces dosyasında set_time_limit ayarları mı yapmamız gerekiy...
I just installed the newest version 1.2 of the software on my hosting account. This is a fresh, brand new install. When I go to create a new client, fill in all the pertinant information, check the "a...
Hi, I have a problem with adding my module to the navbar. I already check the documentation but still not sure how to do it. Is anyone teach me (I will pay for effort)? Thank you
Is there also a Dutch translation?
Dear Team, I am unable to install akounting software. Getting below error at Not Found The requested URL /acc/auth/login was not found on this server. Pleas...
Showing 3801 to 3810 of 4180 discussions