Managing the Manual Journal

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View, Edit, Duplicate, Export, or Delete Manual Journal entries.

The Manual Journals page shows a list of journal entries with Date, Description, Reference number, and transaction amount.

Managing the Manual Journal

Use the Search Bar to Filter the Journal entries by Basis and Date.

  • Viewing the details of a Journal entry.
  • Editing a Journal Entry.
  • Printing/ Exporting a Journal Entry.

Viewing and Editing the Details of a Journal Entry:

Click on a listed Journal entry on the Manual Journals page to access the details page.

On the details page, you’ll find the following functions:

  1. Edit: Click Create to reveal the Edit option, or Click Edit at the top right corner to update the details of the journal entry.
  2. Print: Click the ellipses menu icon ellipses menu icon at the top left corner to reveal the options to Print, Download PDF or Delete a Journal entry.

You can Install or Purchase the Schedule Reports app to generate Journal Entry reports automatically.

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Managing the Manual Journal

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