
Income vs. Expense Report

Estimated reading: 1 minute

The income vs. Expense report is the summary of your business’s income and expenses over a period of time.

It is the difference between all Sales and Purchase transactions.

This report helps you to understand your company’s cash flow, budget your spending, and calculate your net income or net loss.

An income vs. expense report may include information such as Financial year, vendor, customer, account, and a timeline of expenses/income.

To get the Income vs. Expense report:

  • Go to Reports on the Navigation Menu.
  • On the Reports page, go to the Income & Expense section.
  • Click Income vs. Expense.
  • On the Income vs. Expense report page, you can use the filters to set the following:
    • Financial year
    • Basis: Accrual or Cash
    • Account
    • Category of expense.
    • Customer
    • Vendor
  • After entering your preferred filters, hit the Enter Key on your keyboard to refresh and view an updated report.

You can switch the report chart from Timeline to Distribution by clicking the Distribution icon distribution icon.

Income vs. Expense Report

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