Creating Tickets in Helpdesk

Estimated reading: 2 minutes

Add customer inquiries by creating tickets in Helpdesk.

You can define the category, status, and transactions related to the ticket.

Note: To use the Helpdesk features, you need to Install or Purchase the Helpdesk App.

Creating tickets in Helpdesk

Akaunting Users

Create ticket in Helpdesk as an Akaunting user
  • From your Akaunting Dashboard, Click Helpdesk on the Navigation Menu Panel
Creating tickets in Helpdesk
  • Select New Ticket.
Select New Ticket in Helpdesk
  • On the New Tickets page, Enter the Subject.
  • Select from the list of Categories (Change Request, Incident, New Feature Request, Problem). You can also add a new category.
Enter new ticket details
  • Select a related transaction for the ticket. Invoices, Bills, Purchase/Sales orders and other transactions are listed here.
  • Define Status
  • Choose Priority (High, Low, Medium, or Urgent)
  • Assign a team member. (This is only applicable if you have invited a team member. See details on how to invite a team member here)
  • In the Message box, enter an explanation for the ticket.
  • Add an Attachment if necessary.
  • Then, Save.
See a list of tickets
  • A new ticket is added to the tickets page.


Your clients can create tickets using the helpdesk app. However, you need to give the client access.

See details on how to invite a client here.

Create a ticket in helpdesk from the client portal.
  • From the Client Portal dashboard, the Client clicks Helpdesk on the navigation menu panel.
Client clicks Helpdesk on the navigation menu panel.
  • The Client clicks New General Tickets.
client clicks new general tickets
  • The Client enters details in the necessary fields
Client enters new ticket details
  • Write a Subject.
  • Select the Category. Unlike a User, the Client only has access to Categories created by the User and can’t create new categories.
Client selects the Category of new ticket
  • Choose the related transaction if applicable.

The Related To field lists all the transactions (Invoices, Bills, Payment/Sales Orders, and other transactions associated with the Client).

If a ticket is related to any transaction, the Client can select that transaction.

Related To field lists all the transactions
  • Define the Ticket Status
  • Write a detailed explanation in the Message field.
  • Upload an attachment if necessary.
  • Then, Save.

The ticket is created and added to the tickets list page.

list of tickets created by the client
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Creating Tickets in Helpdesk

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