Adding Milestones to a Project

Estimated reading: 1 minute

Adding milestones to a project provides direction, tracks progress, and helps to break down a project into smaller, more manageable parts with an easier focus on achieving specific goals.

Project milestones are essential because they help you plan, manage, and communicate your project effectively. They show your progress, improve your teamwork, identify your challenges, track your performance, and update your stakeholders.

Adding Milestones to a Project:

  • Go to Projects on the Navigation Menu.
  • On the Projects page, Click a Project to access the Project dashboard.
  • Go to the Milestones tab and Click New Milestone, or Click New at the top right corner and select Milestone.
  • Enter a Name for the milestone.
  • Select an End Date.
  • Write a Description if applicable.
  • Then, Save.

Editing or Deleting a Milestone

You can Edit or Delete a Milestone by hovering over it to reveal the Edit and Delete options.

Adding milestones to a project
  • Click Edit to update the Milestone details.
  • Click Delete to remove the Milestone.
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Adding Milestones to a Project

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